Contact: Amanda Nesheiwat,
Ramapo College students are mobilizing to attend Power Shift, a national conference that will teach over 10,000 young activists from across the country about the solutions to climate change and how we can put those solutions into practice. Power Shift is aiming to be this year’s largest youth gathering for environmental training in American history and it's happening in Washington, D.C. April 15-18th at the city’s convention center. It is an opportunity for the students of America to show our nation and national leaders how serious we are about a clean energy economy.
Power Shift’s agenda includes a mixture of issue briefings, trainings on organizing and advocacy, an “opportunities fair” featuring some of the country’s leading environmental employers, and built-in networking opportunities for attendees. So far, Environmental Protection Agency head, Lisa Jackson, Al Gore, our former vice president, and Bill Mckibben, author and environmentalist, have confirmed their attendance as speakers.
Ramapo College students will have an opportunity to meet with like-minded students from more than 350 other colleges to become empowered and to work towards a clean energy future. Fossil fuels are proving to be a dirty source of energy. Dangerous hydraulic fracturing, aka “hydrofracking”, is becoming more popular with false claims of its “environmentally friendly” usage and extraction. America’s energy consumption, energy waste, and energy sources are unsustainable. Clean energy is our future, if we want to have one. It’s up to the youth of America to stand up for what we believe is the best for our future. Every living creature on the planet is depending on us to set things right and stand together to show how much leadership the youth of America can offer.
Ramapo College students understand that a happy and healthy community begins with a healthy environment. Thousands of students at hundreds of colleges and universities want to show support for the environmental movement and want to see federal regulations strengthened. This will be a life changing event that will go down in history. Be part of the change and register at: http://powershift2011.org/register
Luckily, Ramapo College is taking care of our registration fee and also providing transportation, so if you’re a student at Ramapo, sign up today!
For more information, feel free to contact me at amandanesheiwat@gmail.com.
For more information about Power Shift:
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