Monday, April 23, 2012

“Silent Spring” Makes Noise in Environmental World

By Diana Stanczak

Imagine a world without natural beauty, a spring without the songs of birds floating through the air. Now imagine that this massacre of natural beauty was manmade. This is the premise of Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring.

Though Silent Spring was published in 1962, the issues discussed within its pages are still relevant today. In easy-to-follow language, Carson offers serious anecdotes about health issues happening all over the United States. Just within the first few chapters, Carson writes about a dog dying and a child becoming a unconscious due to being exposed to toxic pesticides. Dying animals and children are two subjects that no one wants to be exposed to, which is why Silent Spring is so effective in opening people’s eyes to a problem surrounding all of us.

Personally, as an environmental layperson, I found Silent Spring an informative read. It was scary to learn that these chemicals affect our day-to-day lives. I did some background research on the author, and found out that some people regarded her as a “hysterical woman” and did not take her opinion seriously. Knowing this information makes this book even more appealing, because Carson dared to reveal the truth even when some large chemical companies opposed her.

I would suggest this book to any student, environmental studies major or not. You will definitely learn something.

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